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National Hydrologic Warning Council Awards 

About the NHWC Awards  

The mission of the National Hydrologic Warning Council (NHWC) is to promote the acquisition, dissemination and utilization of hydrologic and meteorological data in real-time for the protection of lives, property, infrastructure and resources, and to support the subsequent uses of the data to improve knowledge and management of the environment.  In 2007, NHWC initiated an awards program to highlight exceptional work and innovation in the field of hydrologic warning. 

Nominations are solicited biennially, in the months prior to the NHWC Conference & Exposition. For more information, please contact Kevin Stewart, NHWC Awards Director at

Award Categories  

Outstanding Service Award – Awarded to an individual whose work has exceptionally benefited an individual organization and/or the hydrologic warning profession.  

Operational Excellence Award – Awarded to an organization that has developed and/or maintained an exceptional hydrologic warning system.  

Hydrologic Warning Innovation Award – Awarded to an individual or organization that has developed an innovative product or program improvement that has exceptionally benefited the hydrologic warning profession.  

Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article Award – Awarded to an individual who prepared an outstanding article for publication in NHWC Transmission.

Past Award Recipients

 Year   Award  Recipient
 2007  Outstanding Service  Brian McCallum 
 2007  Outstanding Service  Don Colton 
 2007  Outstanding Service  Frank Gutierrez 
 2009 Outstanding Service   Art McDole 
 2009 Hydrologic Innovation  Don Van Wie and Chris Roark 
 2009 Operational Excellence                Charlotte-Mecklenburg Stormwater Services and the USGS North Carolina Water Science  Center 
 2009 Operational Excellence   Santa Barbara County Flood Control District 
 2009 Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article   Rand Allen 
 2011 Outstanding Service   Dan Miller 
 2011 Outstanding Service   Gene Stallings 
 2011 Outstanding Service   Kevin Stewart 
 2011      Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article   Craig McDougall 
 2013 Outstanding Service  Brian Iserman
 2013 Operational Excellence  Trinity River Authority of Texas
 2013 Hydrologic Warning Innovation   David "Dave" Leader & James "Jim" Slouber
 2013 Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article   Benjamin Pratt & Stuart Geiger
 2013 Special Service Award David C. Curtis - In appreciation for service as President of the NHWC 2011-2013

2015  Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article Michael Schaffner, Alexander Tardy, Jamie Laber, & Carl Unkrich 
2015 Recognition for 20 Years of Support  High Sierra Electronics, HydroLynx Systems, & OneRain 
2015 Operational Excellence  Harris County Flood Control District 
2015 Special Service Award  David C. Curtis - In appreciation for service as President of the NHWC 2011-2015 
2015 Special Service Award  Jean Vieux - In appreciation for service as NHWC Director 2013-2015 and for exemplary service as the 2015 Conference Committee Chair 

2017 Outstanding Service  Robert Hartman 
2017 Hydrologic Innovation  Jim Moffitt 
2017 Operational Excellence  Ventura County Watershed Protection District 
2017 Outstanding Service  Susan Janek 
2017 Outstanding NHWC Transmission Article  Jessica Cherry, Scott Lindsey, and Crane Johnson 

2019 Outstanding Service  Kevin Stewart 
    Andy Rooke
    Steve Fitzgerald
    Josh McSwain
    David Maidment
2019 Operational Excellence  Flood Control District of Maricopa County 
2019 Hydrologic Innovation  Iowa Flood Center 

2023  Outstanding Service  NHWC Transmission Editorial Team
 - Brian Iserman
 - Lee von Gynz-Guethle
 - Cortnie Chaple
 - Becca Emery
 - Liberty Smith
 - Jenny Struzik
Ben Pratt, NHWC Board of Directors 2013-2023
Mark Moore, NHWC Training Committee Chair
Brad Heilwagen, NHWC Conference Chair 2019-2023
Andrew Teter, WV Emergency Management
2023 Operational Excellence Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority

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